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Women’s Ministry: ‘Prayer Targets’

We enjoy sharing ideas in this segment for fun and creative ways to reach the women, and we continually emphasize the importance of community. However, this month we’d like to shift the focus a bit.

Ladies, the Lord gives us “eyes to see” as spiritual leaders. As we encounter women whose life struggles run deeper than what may seem obvious those eyes should be fully engaged. God may present us with souls caught in generational poverty, destructive relationships, mental/emotional health issues, etc. Of course, we raise them in prayer, do our best to walk alongside them and point them toward scripture.

But do we truly, fervently pray for them? Not just for their current crisis, but for their long-haul journey that can lead them from merely surviving to thriving, from hopelessness to an abundant life in Christ. 1 Timothy 2:1 calls us to be intercessors for all people. Let’s challenge ourselves to strap on our boots and trudge through the muck and the mire in our prayer closets on their behalf. And when change is slow or regression occurs, dig deeper. In many cases, these individuals may not know how to intercede for themselves. That makes us their lifeline. Let’s make them our prayer targets for as long as is needed. And while we’re at it, let’s train the ladies we lead to do the same for the suffering souls in their sphere. This may sound academic, but we all need reminders that we’re called to be warriors.

Young woman focusing intently while aiming with a bow and arrow in a sunlit forest setting

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