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Women’s Ministry: ‘Birthday Bash’

Everyone secretly likes to feel celebrated on their special day (even those who choose to ignore the age aspect) because it reminds us that we are valued and loved. However, whether your women’s ministry is large or small it can be challenging to keep up with everyone’s birthday, and we certainly do not want anyone to feel overlooked. Julia Bettencourt, on her blog “Writing to Inspire,” has a solution. She suggests planning a Birthday Bash to celebrate all your ladies at once. What a brilliant idea! Make it festive and fun, simple or fancy, and remember to pick a creative theme to add to the charm.

Julia offers these ideas to get you started but you can customize it however you wish:

  • Serve a birthday cake.
  • Make everyone feel special.
  • Share testimonies about “second birthdays” including personal salvation stories.

Happy Birthday, Sisters!


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