#TransformPASJ Good Reads: ‘The Greater Work: Disciple-Making Anytime Anywhere’ by Bill Wilks
David Ludwig, associate director of church health for the Baptist Resource Network, review "The Greater Work: Disciple-Making Anytime Anywhere" by Bill Wilks, author and lead trainer for D-Life, through which thousands of believers have been trained in the six practices of disciple-making that Jesus modeled with His discipleship group.
D-Group for Pastors
This D-Group for pastors will be facilitated by David Ludwig and will include studying the books Matthew, Acts, and 2 Timothy, praying for one another, fellowshipping, and learning a simple, biblical, and reproducible disciple-making process modeled after Jesus and His…
David Ludwig: ‘Let’s make disciples who make disciples’
David Ludwig, associate director of church health for the Baptist Resource Network, invites pastors to participate in discipleship group training, which has the potential to change the entire culture of their church.
How to Start a Women’s Ministry in Your Church
Following these six recommendations will help you start a women’s ministry that has the potential to benefit the women in your church.
Believers Bible Fellowship joins Hope 4 Philly effort
In 2023, Believers Bible Fellowship partnered with other Philadelphia churches to bless their neighbors and spread the gospel through Hope 4 Philly.
Macedonia Baptist Church teams up with community services to reach neighbors
Over the summer, Macedonia Baptist Church in Norristown, Pa., reached out to their neighbors by offering essential family services at a community-wide cookout.
Whitworth shares exciting update about the April 22-24 Refresh Retreat
Thanks to the generosity of the North American Mission Board and the Baptist Resource Network, BRN pastors and paid church staff and their wives from cooperating BRN churches can attend the Refresh Retreat for only $99!
Regional Listening Sessions-Philly/SJ
Pastors are invited to join Dr. Brian King, BRN Executive Board President, and Barry Whitworth, BRN Executive Director, in regional conversations about the SBC’s stance on women pastors. They want to hear from you! The first listening session will be…