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Send Relief gift bags

SEND Relief Sunday

Send Relief is encouraging Southern Baptists everywhere to join together to meet needs and change lives through serving others across the world on Send Relief Sunday. Even as churches continue to navigate the challenges brought about by COVID-19, there have…

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PA/SJ State Missions Offering (Alternate Week)

2021 State Missions Offering Goal: $50,000 The State Missions Offering is an annual observance in Baptist Resource Network (BRN)-affiliated churches that highlights what God is doing across Pennsylvania and South Jersey. Each summer, local congregations learn about, pray for and give…

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Disaster Relief participants

Disaster Relief Appreciation Day

Whenever there is a disaster, Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBDR) volunteers are often quickly on the scene—and they remained long after news cameras left town. As the third-largest disaster response team in the nation, this network of state-based volunteers teams does…

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Orphans and Widows Sunday

On Orphan and Widows Sunday, Christians stand for children who’ve lost the protection and care of family. We are a people called to defend the fatherless…to protect the vulnerable…to visit orphans in their distress. Each event is locally-led. Sermons and small…

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