After a devastating fire left more than 120 Wilkes-Barre residents homeless, Restored Church committed to providing shelter and resources for some of the victims.
Covenant Community Church in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, uses BRN Evangelism Grant to host Christmas party for children in their community and provide Bibles and gifts for their families.
In Story #42, Stuart Redcay, associate pastor of family ministries at Big Woods Bible Church in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, shares his testimony of how God took him from a vocal atheist to a devote Christ follower!
Bryan McClelland, pastor of First Southern Baptist Church, Williamsport, recently was elected president of the Baptist Resource Network's Executive Board and is excited about serving BRN churches, effective January 2022.
Collegiate Ministers Brian Musser and Eric Reiber serve on the Baptist Collegiate Ministry Network (BCNet), a national network of committees composed of state, campus, and local church Southern Baptist leaders who resource student ministries on campus and in local churches throughout North America.
It was just like any other year at Cross Creek Community Church. Baptism season was on the horizon, and it was time to start reaching out to those who desired to proclaim their faith in Jesus Christ publicly. Then the pandemic happened. As Cross Creek Community reopened its doors recently, 25 people, including several who attended the church's livestream, were baptized.
Out on the field, Barry Whitworth met with Pastor Corey Mitchell of Winfield Baptist Church, Derek Van Ruler of Sunbury City Church, and Steve Porschet of Winfield Baptist Church to celebrate how they are working together to multiply churches in Central Pennsylvania.
After an incredibly challenging year for teachers and students, Wrightsdale Baptist Church provided a tasty blessing to public school teachers in southern Lancaster County.