Restored Church reaches growing Hispanic community with gospel materials
A BRN evangelism grant helps Restored Church in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., share the gospel with the city's growing Hispanic community.
A BRN evangelism grant helps Restored Church in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., share the gospel with the city's growing Hispanic community.
At the BRN, we teach healthy churches to filter all of their activities through the filters of the Kingdom of God and Prayer. Kingdom keeps our focus on the glory of the King instead of our own fame. Prayer keeps…
Millcreek Community Church (MCC) in Erie, Pa., hosted their first Deaf Gospel Rally on Nov. 11, through which the church saw three come to Christ and be baptized!
In Harrisburg, East Shore Baptist Church serves as a polling station for all elections in their community. This opportunity presents the church with the chance to serve and share the gospel with its neighbors.
On Oct. 31, Edinboro Community Church in Edinboro, Pa., set up trick-or-treat stations throughout their community to pass out candy, gospel bracelets, church info and, ultimately, to share the gospel with their neighbors.
On Oct. 28, East Shore Baptist Church in Harrisburg, Pa., hosted a Fall Festival with the intention of deepening connections with community members and sharing the gospel.
Central Baptist Church in Mont Alto, Pa., welcomes Austin Burton, previous Penn State collegiate missionary, as their new assistant pastor - Welcome (back) to the BRN Family, Austin!
The BRN is excited to announce Eric Reiber, collegiate missionary at Penn State University, as the first official BRN Associate Next Gen Director.
In this month’s episode, Jason Hunter, vice president of the BRN Executive Board and senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Clarion, shares how the Cooperative Program has been an impactful form of collaboration in his life and ministry – and how it reminds him a little bit of his days at Clemson University!