God’s mission never changes. John’s vision, revealed in Revelation 7:9, remains our vision—a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ.
For some refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced people, resettlement is as close as a lamp in the window of a neighboring house. For others, it is a light glimmering on the horizon. For most, the light of permanent resettlement is like chasing the setting sun.
Baptist Resource Network Executive Director Barry Whitworth invites Pennsylvania and South Jersey Baptists to a free half-day digital event for pastors, church staff and church members on Nov. 5 from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m.
The 2020 fiscal year for the Southern Baptist Convention ended September 30, 2020, and despite challenges related to the COVID-19 global pandemic, giving by Southern Baptist churches through the Cooperative Program for national and international missions and ministries totaled more than $192.9 million.
October is when we encourage all Southern Baptist churches and congregations to promote our Great Commission mission and ministries giving through the Cooperative Program. Giving through the Cooperative Program is the financial fuel that helps us take Good News to the whole world.