Greater Philly students go on mission over spring break in York, Pa.
College students from the Greater Philadelphia region go on mission in York, Pa., to recover homes impacted by Hurricane Ida and to spread the love of Christ.
College students from the Greater Philadelphia region go on mission in York, Pa., to recover homes impacted by Hurricane Ida and to spread the love of Christ.
John Cope, senior pastor of Keystone Fellowship in Montgomeryville, Pennsylvania, will oversee the North American Mission Board's Send Network throughout all of Pennsylvania and South Jersey.
Missionaries Emanuel and Ioana Grozea were called to Ridgewood, New York, to revitalize a Romanian Baptist church and to share the gospel with the nations in that community.
Prayers and gifts to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® provide support for thousands of North American Mission Board missionaries, who are planting new churches in unreached communities and meeting needs through compassion ministries. Every day, lives are being impacted and transformed with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Missionaries Philip and Andi Coleman uprooted their lives and moved to Anchorage, Alaska, for the sake of the gospel.
Missionaries Sam and Joanna Choi strive to share the gospel in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which has the largest Somali population outside of Somalia.
Missionaries Vergil and Kelsey Brown followed God's call to one of the least churched states in America to plant a church and share the gospel.
NAMB missionary Kay Bennett lives in New Orleans, Louisiana, where she runs the Baptist Friendship House, a place where hurting and homeless people can receive care and the gospel.
Bill and Sue Hoops of Winfield (Pa.) Baptist Church received the Joel W. Phillips Outstanding Achievement award during the Southern Baptist Disaster Relief's annual roundtable in Jacksonsville, Florida, on January 24-26, 2023.