Upcoming Event: IMB ‘Future of Missions’
God’s mission never changes. John’s vision, revealed in Revelation 7:9, remains our vision—a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation knowing and worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ.
Permanent resettlement not a reality for 99 percent of refugees
For some refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced people, resettlement is as close as a lamp in the window of a neighboring house. For others, it is a light glimmering on the horizon. For most, the light of permanent resettlement is like chasing the setting sun.
IMB trustees appoint 80 new missionaries, approve 2020-21 budget
International Mission Board trustees unanimously approved the appointment of 80 full-time, fully funded personnel during their Sept. 29-30 meeting.
International Mission Board (IMB)
Christ commissions His followers to go and make disciples throughout the world. To play our part in fulfilling Christ’s commission, IMB partners with local churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are making disciples and multiplying churches among unreached people and places to the glory of God.