Orphans and Widows Sunday
On Orphan and Widows Sunday, Christians stand for children who’ve lost the protection and care of family. We are a people called to defend the fatherless…to protect the vulnerable…to visit orphans in their distress. Each event is locally-led. Sermons and small…
ERLC Yearly Update
The past year has seen the ERLC have to adapt, like all SBC entities to the new circumstances of a global pandemic. However, ERLC's mission of advancing the gospel of Christ in the public square continues unabated, even as it takes new forms.
Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission is an entity of the Southern Baptist Convention. The ERLC is dedicated to engaging the culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ and speaking to issues in the public square for the protection of religious liberty and human flourishing. Their vision can be summed up in three words: kingdom, culture, and mission.