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International Mission Board (IMB)

Christ commissions His followers to go and make disciples throughout the world. To play our part in fulfilling Christ’s commission, IMB partners with local churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are making disciples and multiplying churches among unreached people and places to the glory of God. “For the Scripture says, ‘Everyone who believes in Him will not be put to shame.’” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing His riches on all who call on Him. For ‘everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved’” (Romans 10:11-12). More than 3 billion people do not have clear access to the gospel and, therefore, will likely live and die without ever hearing that Jesus loves them and has provided a way for them to be forgiven. Jesus tasked His followers to go and make disciples, to proclaim the gospel and call people to repent and believe. The Cooperative Program helps fund ministries and missions through state conventions. Slightly more than 50 percent of all Cooperative Program contributions received on a national level are directed to IMB work. The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions funds more than 50 percent of IMB work. Offering funds are used exclusively to support missionaries sent around the globe by their Southern Baptist churches through IMB.

Feel called to go?

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CP Stories: David and Shannon Brown, Moldova
CP Stories: Dan and Lori Upchurch, Poland
CP Stories: Don and Pam Lynch, Belgium
George Liele Church Planting, Evangelism, Missions Sunday materials available
CP Stories: Marty and Chandler, Sub-Saharan Africa
Jan 2025 Top Five
January 2025 Top Five
CP Stories: Randy and Kimberly Windham, Zambia
Nov 2024 Top Five
November 2024 Top Five
CP Stories: Evie Tucker, Central Asian Peoples
2024 Week of Prayer and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering®
CP Stories: Rachel and Anna*, Southeast Asia
CP Stories: Pierce and Casey Bennett*
CP Stories: Jack Wattanawongsawang and Prinna Puakpong, Japan
CP Stories: Alli McCarty, European Peoples
CP Stories: Sarah Mitchell, Deaf Peoples
CP Stories: Caleb and Carina Beaty, European Peoples
CP Stories: Tim and Annie Tidenberg, West Africa
New IMB missionaries celebrated during SBC annual meeting
CP Stories: Leslie and Luke Montgomery, South Africa
CP Stories: Jeri Whitfield, Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
CP Stories: Steve and Jen Hagen, Philippines
CP Stories: Jason and Robin Ebeyer, Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
CP Stories: Wes Blakely, Central Asian Peoples
CP Stories: Nancy Potter, Asian Pacific Rim Peoples
Celebrating Cooperative Missions: Cooperation for ‘Tatay’
CP Stories: Patrick Stein, Northern African and Middle Eastern Peoples
CP Stories: Itamar Elizalde, Puerto Rico
CP Stories: Benjamin Breeg, Central Asian Peoples
CP Stories: Wesley and Emily Smyth, West Africa
CP Stories: Ben and Christy Prater, North Africa and Middle East
George Liele drawing
George Liele Church Planting, Evangelism, and Missions Sunday
Glory to Him and joy to us: The power of prayer
December 2023 Top Five
December 2023 Top Five
CP Stories: Owen Stoddard, South Asian Peoples
CP Stories: Naya Wilder, Deaf Peoples
CP Stories: Caroline Anderson, European Peoples
CP Stories: Cesár Guzmán, Puerto Rico
2023 Week of Prayer and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering®
CP Stories: Richard and Karen Lee, Sub-Saharan African Peoples
CP Stories: Josias and Débora Laporte, Canada
CP Stories: Courtney Mobbs, American Peoples
CP Stories: Joy and Shaun Price, European Peoples
Global Impact Guide
CP Stories: Daniel and Grace Kim, Sub Saharan African Peoples
CP Stories: Sidney Dixon*, South Asian Peoples
CP Stories: Sammy Ravelo, Chaplain
CP Stories: Vesta Sauter, Deaf Peoples
CP Stories: Trevor Yoakum, Sub Saharan African Peoples
CP Stories: Lena Eckhart*, South Asian Peoples
CP Stories: Roy and Vilmarie Vidal, Puerto Rico
CP Stories: Carlton and Cornelia Walker, Tokyo
CP Stories: Molly Petry, Central Asian Peoples
CP Stories: Rusty Ford, European Peoples
CP Stories: Matthew and Ruth Lahey, Newfoundland
Together for the Nations: IMB tailors event for missions leaders
Join IMB missionaries in 24 hours of prayer and fasting for Ukraine
CP Stories: James Smith, European Peoples
CP Stories: Stella McMillian, Asia Pacific Rim Peoples
First Person: God was faithful to George Liele, so I know He’ll be faithful to me
Lottie Moon Escape Room
Women’s Ministry: ‘Escape Room’ Lottie Moon Fundraiser
CP Stories: Brent Dorsett*, Central Asian Peoples
CP Stories: Erik White*, Central Asia
EB- Top Five video
January 2023 Top Five
CP Stories: Patrick and Anne Stein*, North Africa
CP Stories: David and Shannon Brown, Moldova
CP Stories: Jess and Wendy Jennings
Top Five video
December 2022 Top Five
BW video
Whitworth shares IMB’s sober statistic: 157,690 people are dying daily without Christ
CP Stories: Kelvin and Elizabeth Joseph*, Europe
EB video
November 2022 Top Five
CP Stories: Ralph & Lovie Adair*, South Asia
Lottie Moon 2022 Christmas Offering
IMB logo - horizontal
IMB Speaker Request
Week of Prayer and Mission Study for International Missions and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
IMB Missions College
CP Stories: Penny Sargent*, East Asia
CP Stories: John & Nadine Overton*, Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa
CP Stories: Alex and Jess Garcia, Europe
CP Stories: Cowserts and Keys, American Peoples
IMB Ukraine Prayer Guide
CP Stories: Stuart Robinson, East Asia
CP Stories: Nathan and Tessa Baker, Sub-Saharan Africa
CP Stories: Doug and Cheryl Derbyshire, Southeast Asia
Barry video
Barry Whitworth recaps 2022 SBC annual meeting
Partnerships, Gospel focus highlighted in NAMB Anaheim presentation and report
Good news emphasized, while lostness remains central to IMB report
CP Stories: Lena Eckhart*, Europe
Send Relief offers $4 million to fund EC sexual abuse response, survivor care fund
CP Stories: Joe Brewster, Peru
CP Stories: Vivian Carter*, Northern Africa
CP Stories: Angela Dawson, Southeast Asia
CP Stories: Caron Johnson, American Peoples
Baptists gear for decades-long trauma care response to Ukrainian refugees
CP Stories: Eric and Anissa Haney, Europe
Southern Baptist response teams overflow with compassion
CP Stories: Ray and Sarah Crew*, Northern Africa
Digital strategy brings hope to Ukrainians
Southern Baptist volunteers mobilizing to serve ‘ocean of people’ fleeing Ukraine
CP Stories: Cade and Jenny Wheeler*, Europe
IMB: Digital and printed resources for Afghans
CP Stories: Liz Karwood*, South Asia
Drs. Larry Anderson and Jerome Coleman celebrate former SBC missionary, George Liele
CP Stories: Mark Chambers, Northern Africa
CP Stories: Mark & Hannah Bustrum, Europe
CP Stories: Ryan & Aubrey Curry, Mozambique
IMB ways to go
For those called to Go, IMB wants to send
CP Stories: Katee Sheppard, West Africa
Missionaries praying with South Asian couple
CP: Mobilizing Hispanics and Latinos to serve in South Asia
Barry Whitworth video
Pray, go or give, urges Barry Whitworth
Lottie Moon 2021 ad
Lottie Moon 2021 Christmas Offering
Barry Whitworth video
Barry Whitworth explains how the SBC’s Cooperative Program works
IMB COVID world map
Back to normal post-COVID? Not everywhere
Group seated around a coffee table.
Nationals see divine intervention amidst persistent persecution
Paul Chitwood
‘Together, we press toward the vision,’ Chitwood assures Southern Baptists
NAMB presentation and report highlight gospel impact in North America
Bryant Wright of Send Relief
Send Relief reports help and hope amid pandemic
Paul Chitwood
Southern Baptists appoint 64 missionaries in Sending Celebration
Tony Evans
Two-day Send Conference emphasizes unity, mission and Gospel focus
Group praying laying of hands
IMB introduces Church Connections
Pastor Li-Show-ting, a former Confucian scholar, is shown baptizing a believer in East Asia during the early 1900s. Over a century later, believers are seen being baptized in Mberengwa, Zimbabwe. Because of Southern Baptists gifts to the International Mission Board and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, the gospel has advanced and people have believed and been baptized for nearly two centuries.
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering hits cumulative $5 billion
Student seated at table praying
IMB’s Nehemiah Teams launches gap-year program
Elizabeth Benge video
February 2021 Top Five
Barry Whitworth video
During Black History Month, take the time to hear the stories of those around you, says Whitworth
George Liele
IMB celebrates Black missionary and church planter George Liele; designates February as Diversity in Missions month
Prepare yourself and your churches for the missionary task
Paul Chitwood letter
Letter from IMB President Paul Chitwood: Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions
Lottie Moon 2021 ad
Week of Prayer and Offering for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
Day of Prayer for Persecuted Church graphic
A Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
SEND Conference
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering 2021 theme
IMB missionaries and staff give more than $800,000 to LMCO
Lottie Moon
Who is Lottie Moon?
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering 2021 theme
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
Upcoming Event: IMB ‘Future of Missions’
Permanent resettlement not a reality for 99 percent of refugees
IMB trustees appoint 80 new missionaries, approve 2020-21 budget

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