GuideStone Financial Services
The mission of GuideStone Financial Services is serving churches, mission-sending organizations, as well as ministry-minded individuals with products and services that promote financial health and spiritual wellness – all while honoring the Lord.
Since their beginning in 1918, they have existed to “serve those who serve the Lord with the integrity of our hearts and skillfulness of our hands." This means they are driven by more than just the bottom line; GuideStone is committed to Do well. Do right. Do MORE.
*Eligible participants earn 1/12 of the value of these benefits for each month of participation in the Church Retirement Plan in the 12 months immediately preceding your death or disability.
GuideStone offers market-leading church retirement plans and provides the expertise to match your faith-based organization with the right one for your goals and objectives. Find Out MoreInsurance
GuideStone offers a full suite of insurance solutions — including health, life, dental, accident and disability options to protect your people and church insurance to protect your property. Find Out MoreInvestments
GuideStone combines our focus on risk-adjusted returns with a commitment to Christian values to help meet the financial goals of your organization. Find Out MoreDisability, Survivor Protection, and Retirement Contributions
Through a partnership between GuideStone Financial Resources and the Baptist Resource Network of PA/SJ, church staff of partnering churches may be eligible for protection benefits and/or a retirement match. We are happy to provide this benefit to BRN churches who meet the eligibility requirements.BENEFITS PAID FOR BY THE BAPTIST RESOURCE NETWORK FOR QUALIFYING CHURCH STAFF:
Disability Income Benefit
Survivor Protection Benefit

Retirement contribution from the Baptist Resource Network
To be eligible for these benefits, the staff must serve in a paid pastoral role (employed at least 20 hours a week). Additionally, the church must contribute a minimum of $50 per month to the pastor’s retirement through GuideStone. Church leaders who are already fulfilling these eligibility requirements have been receiving the Disability Income and Survivor Protection benefits automatically.Eligibility Requirements:
To be eligible for the protection and retirement benefits the following criteria must be met:- The minister/staff to receive benefits must be a W-2 employee of the church,
- The church in which this minister/staff serves must be in good standing & cooperation with the BRN,
- Church Plants, assessed and funded through the North American Mission Board (NAMB), in which the minister/staff serves must contribute at least $600.00 annually per participating minister/staff to the Cooperative Program through the Baptist Resource Network of PA/SJ,
- Churches beyond the planting phase (established churches), or plants not assessed through NAMB, in which the minister/staff serves must be contributing at least $1,000.00 annually per participating minister/staff to the Cooperative Program through the Baptist Resource Network of PA/SJ,
- The BRN will consider one-time exceptions for one year if an established church requests and displays financial hardship, but have otherwise been in good standing with the BRN, and
- The following are not eligible positions to receive benefits:
- Church Musicians (this is different than a Minister of Music),
- Church school, day school, or church day care employees (this is different than a Children’s Minister),
- Associational employees, and
- BRN team members who may also work in a cooperating BRN church.
Loss of Eligibility:
Eligibility will be revoked if either of the following conditions occur:- Church Cooperative Program giving falls below $600.00 per participant for church plants, or $1,000.00 per participant for churches beyond the planting phase,
- The church decides to send its Cooperative Program monies directly to the National SBC and bypasses the BRN,
- The church falls out of good standing with the BRN, as determined by the BRN, and/or
- This program ceases to exist.