PEACH BOTTOM, Pa., (BRN) – Wrightsdale Baptist Church’s recent Vacation Bible School (VBS), “ The Great Jungle Journey,” was an epic adventure from Genesis to Revelation that left a lasting impact on our church community. From record-breaking registrations to life-changing decisions, this year’s VBS was a testament to God’s work in our midst.

Record Registrations: We were thrilled to have 188 registrations for this year’s VBS – the highest number ever! Families from our church and beyond (Lancaster County) joined us for a week of fun, learning and spiritual growth.

Jungle River Scavenger Hunt Kick-Off: Our VBS began with a bang as kids embarked on a Jungle River Scavenger Hunt. The excitement was palpable as they explored the “jungle” and discovered hidden treasures.

Gospel-Centered Activities: Throughout the week, we engaged kids through various activities. A focus on the gospel was shown through:

  • Live Drama: Our talented actors brought a story of a jungle cruise gone wrong to life, emphasizing the gospel message.
  • Science Experiments: We used science to illustrate biblical truths, sparking curiosity and wonder.
  • Bible Study: Grade level groups delved into Scripture, fostering deeper understanding.
  • Snacks: We encouraged leaders to see snack time as an opportunity to build community with their groups and have gospel conversations.

Life-Changing Decisions:

  • Salvations: Two children accepted Jesus as their Savior.
  • Baptism: One child is preparing for baptism – a visible sign of their faith journey

VBS Celebration Sunday: Our special Sunday service celebrated all we learned during the week. Families witnessed their kids singing their favorite VBS tunes, and worship became a time for kids to visit our kids ministry while their families joined our worship service.

Apologetics Focus: We didn’t stop at salvation; we aimed for discipleship. Kids who already knew Jesus learned to defend their faith through apologetics. One child, initially an atheist, left with a Bible and newfound curiosity.

Gratitude for BRN Partnership: We extend heartfelt thanks to the Baptist Resource Network (BRN). Your grant made this impactful VBS possible. Lives were changed, families connected and faith deepened – all because of your support!

In conclusion, “The Great Jungle Journey” wasn’t just an event; it was a movement. We’re excited about the families who are continuing to attend our church and the seeds of faith planted in young hearts. Thank you, BRN, for partnering with us on this incredible journey!

Have an outreach event you would like to host, but could use a little help when it comes to the cost? Apply for a BRN Evangelism Grant today by visiting!