This Week in the BRN Family shares quick highlights of BRN churches and ministries throughout Pennsylvania and South Jersey loving their neighbors. Check out the latest happenings, baptisms, and accelerating Kingdom movement stories below:

VBS continues across Pennsylvania/South Jersey

Vacation Bible School is in full swing at many of our Pennsylvania/South Jersey churches! Here are just a few VBS highlights from Bucks County Community Church in Langhorne, Pa.; First Baptist Church of Swedesboro in Swedesboro, New Jersey; and Millcreek Community Church in Erie, Pa.:

Bucks County Community Church:

First Baptist Church of Swedesboro:

Millcreek Community Church:

BRN EVANGELISM GRANT: St. John Memorial Baptist sees 71 come to Christ

Last month, St. John Memorial Baptist Church in Philadelphia partnered with three other local churches and a teen-mission program to serve their community, offer prayer, and share the good news of Jesus. As a result, they saw 71 individuals come to Christ! Read More

Calvary Christian Church hits the streets to share the gospel

Earlier this week, members of Calvary Christian Church in Philadelphia, Pa., were on the move! These faithful saints hit the streets to offer prayer and the Good News of Jesus to their neighbors.


S.C. Baptists graciously serve PA/SJ through Warren House renovations

Earlier this week, a mission team from Oakdale Baptist Church of Townville, South Carolina, was hard at work renovating the BRN’s Warren House in Pittsburgh. Under the direction of former South Carolina Baptist Convention (SCBC) Disaster Relief Director Randy Creamer and his wife, Pam – who both graciously agreed to oversee the renovation projects at the Warren House – the mission team contributed to the projects, specifically working on the second-floor bathroom. Their work included checking water lines, reinforcing floors, framing the outer wall, and preparing for the installation of a new shower. The team arrived on July 28 and returned home on Aug. 1. The next team from S.C. is expected to arrive sometime next week.

We are so grateful for Oakdale Baptist Church and our wonderful partnership with S.C. Baptists. Please join us in praying for Randy and Pam and the incoming S.C. team, who will continue to faithfully serve us by caring for the Warren House.


New members class leads to baptism at First International Baptist Church of Trenton

After six weeks of attending a new members class at First International Baptist Church (FIBC) of Trenton, New Jersey, Amos Sembay decided to go public with his faith in Jesus! On Sunday, July 28, Amos was baptized by Pastor E. Solomon Ernst. Praise the Lord for this brother in Christ and his decision to follow Jesus! Please join us in celebrating with him and the entire FIBC of Trenton family!

First International Baptist Church of Trenton would also like to extend a special thank you to Fellowship CrossPoint Church for lending their portable baptismal pool.

Catalyst Church in Altoona, Pa., celebrates five baptisms

Catalyst Church in Altoona, Pa., recently celebrated the baptisms of Avarie, Bryson, Hunter, Eric, and Zach! Praise the Lord for these new brothers and sisters in Christ! Please join us in celebrating with them and the entire Catalyst Church family.

Ministry Milestones:

Agape International Baptist Church celebrates 18 years

On July 25, Agape International Baptist Church in Vorhees, New Jersey, celebrated their 18th anniversary. Congratulations, Agape International! We are so grateful for your faithful years of ministry and all that you do to make Jesus known in your community!

Be a part of This Week in the BRN Family

Have exciting things happening in your church!? Let us know so we can celebrate with you and share the good news with our BRN Family. Submit stories of your church accelerating Kingdom movement, loving their neighbors or celebrating baptisms on our News Tips page. We can’t wait to hear from you!