SCHNECKSVILLE, PA, (BRN) – During the week of July 24, 2023, The Vine Calvary Chapel in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania, started the week out with a three day VBS and ended the week with a large community block party and outdoor park service.

We had a ton of games families could play, bounce houses, crafts and free food. In total, we had 60 people attend the block party. Our church enjoyed getting to invite those in their sphere of influence and neighbors that have yet to know Jesus. We gathered many new names of visitors and were able to bless some families in need of back to school backpacks filled with supplies.

Two new families have connected further and now attend The Vine. Many Gospel conversations have been happening. However, the exact number is unknown since our church all participated in connecting with the community in attendance. For certain, we know of two people who came to Christ as a result of the VBS and block party.

Thank you for the opportunity to host this event and providing extra funds through an evangelism grant to bless our community!

Have an outreach event you would like to host, but could use a little help when it comes to the cost? Apply for a BRN Evangelism Grant today by visiting!