August is National Make a Will Month. Each week we are exploring five questions to ask before making your will. Think of these as conversation starters to use with your spouse, a parent or other loved one, or to work through yourself.

What stories do you want to share?

There’s something powerful about personal stories. Whether they’re written down or recorded on audio or video, your stories are a beautiful treasure to pass on to future generations.

Share with your loved ones about your childhood, challenges you faced, obstacles you overcame (and those you didn’t), your first job, a favorite trip you took. Really, the ideas are endless.

Your stories are a way to encourage your loved ones and preserve some family history at the same time. Consider including a few of your favorites as a part of your estate plan.

What more can I do?

Give to the Legacy Fund Today

Click here to give to the Legacy Fund today!

Other Ways to Give:

  • If you have questions about other ways to give (such as through Non-Cash Gifts, Planned Giving, and Estate Planning), contact Chuck Knox, our BRN Legacy Coach,  at (724) 991-5303 or
  •, managed by Crescendo, is a thorough explainer of wills, bequests, and estate/planned giving options to help you know what options you have.
  • Ministry Trust, a ministry partner of the BRN, is a professionally managed and morally screened investment fund designed specifically for long-term ministry dollars. It is strategically structured to provide reliable income for ministry, grow the investment to offset inflation, and remain true to Christian principles. Ministry Trust can assist you when you desire to give non-cash donations. Contact Ministry Trust by phone at (470) 851-2366 or by email at

Explore more resources to help you leave a lasting legacy at

“One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts” (Psalm 145:4)