PHILADELPHIA (BRN) – On July 13, St. John Memorial Baptist Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, assisted three other churches with prayer stations, biblical literature, tables, chairs, canopies, staging platforms, baptism pools and sound systems.

We were able to collaborate, share resources and serve our community for five consecutive days. During those five days, approximately 71 people received Christ, were baptized and added to churches.

Additionally, Joshua Generation, a two-week teen-mission program, had 132 students and staff. Between performing, evangelism and prayer stations, they ministered in 300 different outreach locations. They ministered in 15 churches and trained around 150 people from those churches, including St. John.

Other highlights include over 50 muslims praying with us to receive Christ, and a man with a broken foot being completely healed.

Throughout these days of outreach, the attitude of the staff and students was wonderful and we saw a total of 500 people in our community. All the glory goes to Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! 

Have an outreach event you would like to host, but could use a little help when it comes to the cost? Apply for a BRN Evangelism Grant today by visiting!