NAIROBI, Kenya, (SBDR) – El Niño rains combined with other unusual weather phenomenon has dumped torrential rains across all of Kenya. 

Heavy rains and flash floods have left more than 169 people dead, 29 injured, 21 people missing, 150,365 people (30,073 families) displaced, and nearly 191,000 affected across the country as of April 28, according to the National Disaster Operations Centre (NDOC). 

On 29 April, 45 people lost their lives and 109 were rescued in Mai Mahiu, Nakuru County, after a tunnel filled with debris and water succumbed to pressure due to heavy rains. 

As of 24 April, over 4,824 livestock have been lost, 27,717 acres of croplands damaged, 264 small businesses and 24 schools affected. 

Major flash floods have occurred in Nairobi, Makueni, West Pokot and Machakos Counties resulting in loss of lives, properties, and disruption of services. 

Main roads have also been cut-off including the Garissa-Nairobi Road and the Dadaab-Garissa Road. 

Schools reopening is postponed from 29 April to 6 May. 

The rainy season is predicted to last until the end of May.  

Tragically, the rain is heaviest during the night resulting in sudden flash floods, as people are sleeping and unsuspecting 

Current Resources and Response Activated: 

Send Relief leaders have been assessing and continue to assess crisis needs and loss in the communities devastated by the floods. They are working with local partners and have begun response. Send Relief is providing emergency food and hygiene items to affected families. 

At the current time, response partners are not requesting volunteers from the SBDR network to assist in response. 

The best current way for Southern Baptists to respond is by praying and giving. 

Prayer Requests: 

  1. Pray for survivors as many homes have been washed away and left thousands displaced. 
  2. Pray for families that have lost loved ones in the deadly flooding. 
  3. Pray for those who have lost crops and livestock in the tragic flooding. 
  4. Pray for Send Relief as it continues to assess needs. 
  5. Pray for Send Relief leaders and partners as they continue to ramp-up response efforts. 
  6. Pray that Send Relief and our partners will be able to offer help and the hope of Christ amid the loss. 

Note: This article is provided by our friends at Southern Baptist Disaster Relief and Send Relief.