Larry Anderson, director of healthy churches for the Baptist Resource Network of Pennsylvania/South Jersey and pastor of Great Commission Church in Philadelphia, was recently asked by a pastor how we can ask people to give when we are facing such difficult times and circumstances, referring to our coronavirus pandemic. Here’s his answer.

My response communicated to him that asking people to give to support the mission of God is not being insensitive as the mission is dependent on the missionaries to go forth. In fact, every week the opportunity –not obligation– to give goes forth. Each member has to make a decision if they are able to give or not but the opportunity going forth is biblical.

I also shared there are many people that are not being negatively affected financially by this crisis, and in fact, are saving money on travel expenses as they are now able to work from home. These same people may be looking for an opportunity to give back during these times. The opportunity to not only tithe but to give an offering to bless someone else becomes a blessing for them.

Finally, when we ask people to give, let’s also remember to give people an opportunity to share their needs. Because as we receive tithes and offerings for the Kingdom, we in turn are able to be a Kingdom blessing to those who are in need, and thus the principles of Acts 2:45 comes to life.

On this past Sunday, immediately following the service, we were contacted by members who wanted to remain anonymous but communicated their willingness to financially bless someone who may share of a need should we get contacted. And we just said, “Wow! look at God!”
