Hey BRN Family, Elizabeth here and it’s time for the #ServePASJ Top 5!

#1-We have exciting news! Several churches and individuals have already signed up for #ServePASJ projects for our Serve Erie emphasis in Erie, Pennsylvania, on September 20-21. It’s not too late to join them, but projects are filling up. The last day to sign up is September 13, so don’t delay. Sign up at servepasj.com today!

#2-This year’s #ServePASJ mission in Erie includes working with three Erie BRN churches and the Erie City Mission to prepare for and care for people in Pennsylvania’s poorest zip code. Projects include general maintenance, landscaping, a block party, and so much more! Even if you registered your early interest, every individual must still sign up and choose their preferred project. Sign up at servepasj.com today!

#3-By partnering with Erie’s Harbor Creek Community Church, Millcreek Community Church, and Walnut Creek Baptist Church, the Baptist Resource Network is making it easy for you and your team to have a lasting impact on the lives of Erie’s most vulnerable. But it also is a great team-building and discipleship opportunity for your church members. Sign up at servepasj.com today!

#4-In addition to two days of service, participants are invited to a Celebration Rally at Walnut Creek Baptist Church on Saturday night from 4 – 5:30 p.m. We would love to celebrate your team as we enjoy dinner together, hear stories of impact from the day, hear about future partnership opportunities, and consider our next mission opportunity. The free dinner will be provided by the BRN’s very own disaster relief volunteers. Sign up at servepasj.com today!

#5-Want to learn more? Visit servepasj.com to sign up for your desired project and download training on evangelism, prayer and compassion ministry, as well as promotional materials for your church, including bulletin inserts, logos, and more! We look forward to seeing all that God will do, as we do SERVE together.

That’s all for the #ServePASJ Top Five. Thanks for watching, BRN Family. We appreciate you and we are thankful for you!