A part of the “Like Jesus” series, 4 Chair Discipling: What Jesus Calls Us to Do by Dann Spader continues to study the life of Christ and his disciple-making methods.
Spader developed 4 Chair Discipling as a simple picture for others to follow Jesus’ last words on earth: Go, make disciples, baptize and teach.
But what does that mean for us today? Spader explains disciple-making as a process of moving people through four chairs, from someone seeking to know more about Christ to someone who makes disciples themselves.
Chair 1: Come and See (John 1:39)
Chair 2: Follow Me (John 1:43)
Chair 3: Become a Fisher of Men (Matthew 4:19)
Chair 4: Go and Bear Fruit (John 15:16)
In the process of his four-year ministry, Jesus realized that different people are at different stages of growth and development, and he works to challenge each of them to the next level. In 4 Chair Discipling, you’ll get a clear and simple picture of how to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and do the same thing.
4 Chair Discipling: What Jesus Calls Us to Do is a great tool for small group studies or individual study.
4 Chair Discipling and other “Like Jesus” books by Dann Spader can be found and purchased on Amazon.com.
This review was originally published on Amazon.com.