NEW CUMBERLAND, Pa. (BRN) – The Pennsylvania/South Jersey Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) held its annual meeting at Red Land Baptist Church in New Cumberland, Pennsylvania, on Nov. 5.
A total of 61 people were in attendance for this five-hour conference. The focus of this meeting was “Hope in Christ” with an emphasis on leadership development and mental health. Linda Cooper, WMU president for Kentucky and former National WMU president, led two general sessions and taught a small group session on sharing hope through sharing your faith.

There were eight additional breakout sessions that included topics on anxiety, mental wellness, mission education, Lottie Moon and sharing hope with your neighbors and your church.
Fanny Grote, member of Country and Town Baptist Church in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, was elected the new WMU president. Theresa Krieg, former PA/SJ WMU president and member at Red Land Baptist Church, will take on the role of Executive Director for PA/SJ.
During the meeting, Theresa Krieg shared that part of the registration monies collected would be sent to a missionary in Africa for supplies that she needs. The women in attendance also wrote letters to sisters in Christ located in Slovenia.
The Woman’s Missionary Union’s focus for 2022-2024 is “Hope in Christ.”