PHILADELPHIA (BRN) – Last month, I wrote about a few ideas for building a more missions-minded culture in your church. Again, this month I want to highlight a few more suggestions. I hope they challenge, inspire and spark ideas of your own to stir the hearts of believers to get more involved in the Great Commission. 

1. Pray for the church’s missionaries more often, highlighting updates from the field

Too often, it feels like missionaries sent out from our very churches are a second thought: updates from the field are put on an overpopulated bulletin-board in the back of the fellowship hall and missionaries on furlough are given 5-10 minutes to share about the ministry they have been doing for three to four years! 

I think we need to change that. If missions and missionary work are perceived by the congregation as something that is relatively unimportant, then there will continue to be a lack of passion and momentum within the church towards missions.

On the other hand, if missionaries on furlough are welcomed back to the States eagerly and enthusiastically… perhaps even given an hour and a half to share about their ministry, then that could really stir something! 

Or if missionaries from the church were highlighted (maybe once or twice a month) and parts of their updates were read to the congregation, and then those missionaries prayed for… that would really show that the work being done overseas, across the country, etc. is really important to the church, and that the church takes their job as a sender seriously. 

It would have a two-fold effect: stir the interest of uninterested church members, and tell the missionaries being highlighted that they are indeed being thought of, and prayed over, even from afar. 

2. Throw a missions event

This one may take some special planning, but I’m pretty sure there is at least one incredible planner in each church! 

By “event,” I am leaving the door very open for many different ideas. Many churches or college ministries have “mission fairs,” where they bring in many representatives from different institutions to have tables and present their organization. 

However, I am suggesting something a little more interactive, a little more fun. Perhaps highlighting different countries that your church has missionaries serving in, or even incorporating missionary stories into your church’s VBS curriculum. There are many possibilities.

3. Look to your nearest college campus

Chances are at your nearest college campus there are many, many opportunities for making Christ known among those who have not had the opportunity to respond to the gospel. 

On many campuses, there are already established, thriving student ministries… but speaking from my own experience as a student-leader in a campus ministry, there are so many ways that churches can meaningfully contribute. 

Providing meals for student dinners, giving a space or place for students to meet, volunteering at larger campus events and interacting directly with lost students, even doing administrative tasks for collegiate ministers… the list goes on and on. Your church could become an essential partner with a campus ministry. 

However, there are also many campuses where there is not a strong Christian presence. Churches need to step up and get onto these campuses – because the cavalry isn’t coming! 

Due to their small size, remoteness or being a two-year college, full-time Baptist Campus Ministry (BCM) or other campus ministry staff will probably not be assigned to these campuses. 

Thankfully, as part of the Baptist Collegiate Network, our own Brian Musser, Baptist campus minister at Drexel University, designed a really helpful resource for BRN churches. I highly recommend you check those out here.

There you have it, these are three more ideas that I pray will inspire and encourage you in building a stronger, more dedicated missions culture in your church. 

If you ever find yourself feeling discouraged or alone in your advancement of the Kingdom, remember what the Lord told Joshua in Joshua 1:9: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

I hope that as you strive to increase your church’s mission involvement and participation in the Great Commission, you will remember that wherever you go, the Lord will always be with you. 

“Missions Minded” is a new monthly column written by Jack Elliot, Missions Mobilizer for Nehemiah Teams. Each month, Jack will explore a different topic or spiritual discipline and relate it to the field of missions – a field close to his heart! For any questions or more information about how you and your church can get involved in impacting the nations, please feel free to contact Jack at