August is National Make a Will Month. Over the next few weeks, we’ll explore five questions to ask before making your will. Think of these as conversation starters to use with your spouse, a parent or other loved one, or to work through yourself.

Is making or updating your will toward the end of your to-do list? You’re not alone. According to’s 2024 Wills and Estate Planning Survey, only 32% of Americans have a will in place. Creating a will, however, is one of the most important things you can do to care for your family. It ensures your wishes are protected, your dependents are cared for, and your loved ones spared unnecessary heartache and expense.

But there’s more! Your will can also be a meaningful way to communicate what’s most important to you and cultivate a legacy of generosity to pass down to your family.

Like any task, getting started is usually the hardest part. Use the following questions to lay a strong foundation on which to build your will and outline your plans. As a bonus, they’re great conversation starters for people in your life who may also need a little nudge to begin their own legacy plan.

Questions for building a Will

Now, let’s start answering these questions:

How do you want to be remembered?

That’s a big question, isn’t it? But it’s an important one to answer as you consider the legacy you pass on to your family.

Consider these areas:

  • your values (I want to be remembered as an honest, trustworthy person)
  • your spiritual beliefs (I want to be remembered as a person guided by something bigger than myself)
  • your family (I want to be remembered as a parent who was fully present in the lives of my children).

Everyone wants to have a life with meaning and impact.

Part of that meaningful life is to live in the memory of family, friends, and even ministry partners. Preparing a will allows you to have peace in mind that you will be remembered for your values, beliefs, and love for your family. Generous giving with eternal impact can indeed create a legacy for families and Kingdom ministries that gives added meaning to your life and can continue after your chapter has ended.

It’s important to have your estate planning affairs in order in any stage of life. At the BRN, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to understand the benefits of creating a will and the impact it can have on their loved ones.

We also urge you to pray and ask the Lord for guidance about financially giving through your resources and/or estate towards an endowment to provide critical resourcing and servicing to churches and pastors. Would you consider joining hands with the BRN to make an eternal impact?

What can I do now?

Learn More: Legacy Giving Guide

To learn more about how you can impact ministry in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, download the BRN’s Leave A Legacy Guide. Plan for what matters most while leaving a legacy…provide for your family and support Kingdom ministry.

Explore more resources to help you leave a lasting legacy at When you are ready to prepare your will, BRN offers a free online resource that is available is

“Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you” (Philippians 4:9).