Pierce and Casey Bennett* serve as International Mission Board missionaries in South Asia. They and their teammates are responsible for ministering to twenty-seven unreached people groups living in remote regions. People living in a remote South Asian village gathered around a screen to watch a video about the rise and fall of mankind and the hope for humanity.

Before playing the video, Pierce and his South Asian partner told the group, “This is a true story that has spread throughout the whole world. It’s not just from America or from South Asia. It has gone all over the world. This is a story of God—God’s love and how we can have a relationship with Him.”

The video began with creation and ended with Jesus’ coming. Pierce and his national partner asked the group what they understood from the video.

“Jesus came to die for our sins,” one person said.

Another said, “He came back to life.”

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Pray alongside the Bennetts for a person or family to commit their life to Christ and for others to choose to follow.

*Names have been changed for security purposes.