BOGOTA, Colombia (BRN) — Plans for a mission trip to Bogota, Colombia, by four BRN pastors was well underway when COVID-19 arrived. The team, which included Jordan Alturas, Fellowship Church; Trent Kirkland, Zion Church; Jason Hunter, FBC Clarion; and Billy Levengood, Redemption Community Church, Oxford, planned to work with David and Sarah McNeill, who serve in Bogota.

Even though their travel plans for this year were upended, God still provided a way for the pastors to have a presence in that city.
This happened when BRN Executive Director Barry Whitworth came up with an idea for the team to gift funds to support a food program operated by the McNeills during COVID-19. The pastors, and an unnamed donor, eagerly linked arms and happily provided for the purchase of food supplies.
Pastor Trent Kirkland was excited about this opportunity. “From a partnering standpoint, we are trying to build bridges with David,” said Kirkland. Supporting this need was a logical step for him.
In an effort to further build a relationship with the McNeills and other Bogota missionaries, Kirkland asked McNeill to send a “neighboring well” video to show what it looks like to neighbor well in Bogota. Kirkland is excited for Zion to get to know David by way of the video, which the church plans to show in a couple of weeks.
Kirkland also follows McNeill’s social media activities. This technology allows him and others to get to McNeill and the culture of Bogota as he and others look forward to taking future groups to make a difference in the South American city. Kirkland is thrilled about the possibilities that this budding Bogota connection presents so much so that the congregation of Zion Church has begun setting aside mission dollars earmarked for this country!

God is doing some awesome things in Bogota through the ministry of David and Sarah and other IMB missionary units. The couple recently sent BRN a thank-you note along with an update on their activities.
“We cannot thank you enough for your recent gifts to the humanitarian food relief here in Bogota, Colombia. During these last six months of quarantine, our entry strategy was to simply care for people who were in need and out of work for so long. We were able to continue caring for people through food ministry because of your generosity,” said David.
The love of Christ and the Gospel accompanied every bag of food and ever plate of food given to their community.

This ministry has allowed the couple to help people by meeting their physical needs while at the same time meeting spiritual ones.
Through the care of food relief, gospel sharing, and discipleship within the last six months, two churches have been started!
The McNeills’ note included several photos, as shown throughout, accompanied by the personal stories of the people they have met along the way.
Feature Image: The Fuentes family members are existing believers and planted a church through the food ministry. They have been faithful to share the Gospel and disciple new believers in their neighborhood. They are also feeding people out of the garage where the new church meets. Your giving has allowed them to continue this ministry. They recently had two baptisms in this seed of a church plant.