Hello, BRN Family! It’s good to be with you today.

Hey, we’re in Harrisburg, and we just finished up our fourth Accelerate Conference, and we’re excited about what God showed us, what God did, how he moved in the lives of all those that participated in the conference today.

We had nearly 300 people show up for this conference, which would be one of the highest that we’ve ever recorded, I believe. We also had probably between 90 and 100 of our churches show up to participate in this conference.

We heard keynotes from myself, Dr. Anderson; we had testimonies from pastors about how God has encouraged them to be bold in recent days to do things in their church; we had phenomenal breakout sessions, I believe there was 12 of them; we had special music and worship led by Fellowship CrossPoint Church.

We just had a great spirit of people being inspired to go bold. Our theme verse was, “The wicked flee when no one pursues him, but the righteous are as bold as a lion” (Proverbs 28:1).

So we encourage and we try to inspire – Let’s be bold for Jesus. And I think we accomplished that here at this conference. We’ve got some great testimonies, you’ll hear about that in other stories that will be coming out, but we just wanted to just chime in and tell you, if you came, thank you for coming.

I think you’ll find that it was worthwhile of your time and resources to be here. And I want to make one more note, we actually took up an offering for Disaster Relief while we were here, and nearly $3,700 was collected from the folks that were here to go towards Disaster Relief in the Southeast.

So, it was an amazing day. I am tired. Our team has done two major events within two weeks, the Serve Erie Tour and now the Accelerate Conference. So, I’m gonna sign off for now, but I just wanted to let you know, BRN Family, we’ve got a great family. We’ve got great churches, and God is doing bold things across Pennsylvania/South Jersey. So thanks for listening in today, and may God bless you as always!

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