At Covenant Community Church, we had a double event. On December 14, during our children’s program, we had the story of the angels appearing to the shepherds and them going to worship Jesus. At that time, we also had the children pick out a present for a family member and wrap it. Quite a few of the children said they had never given their mother a Christmas present before, and they were very excited. We had 28 children in attendance for that event.

Children interacting with volunteer
Children from Harrisburg interact with a Covenant Community Church volunteer during a recent party funded in part by a BRN Evangelism Grant.

On December 21, we had a Christmas party for the children. Many of our families were out with sickness, but we still had 17 children at the party. We had the story of the Magi worshiping Jesus and how He is worthy of our worship. During the party, we gave each child a Bible. The Bibles given were specifically picked out for the age and reading level for each child. Many got “The Action Bible.”

One of the boys came back the next time and told us about how he had read to page 253 in his. Each child also got a nice gift according to their age and likes. The ones who could not attend because of sickness, got their Bibles and presents later in the week or at our next meeting. We gave out 27 Bibles in total, with the average cost of each Bible being around $20.

The evangelism grant money went towards the Bibles, as well as the gifts that the children gave their family members and the gifts that we gave them.

We were originally planning on having other family members come to the Christmas party, but that did not work out, as there was not much of a positive response from the guardians of the children.

Most of the children who attended come from very rough family situations, living with grandma or an aunt. Some have at least one parent locked up. They need to be shown a consistent love and also boundaries. Please, be in prayer that they may come to faith in Jesus at an early age and grow up following Him to break the generational cycle that is so prevalent in this area.