Hello, BRN Family!

This year has already shaped up to be a very exciting year at the Baptist Resource Network. I wanted to give you a quick snapshot of our accomplishments in 2023.

We closed 2022 with 290 affiliated churches, but as of August 18, 2023, we now have 319 churches, which includes churches, church plants, and new church works.

In 2022, the BRN staff made 7,177 connections with our pastors, churches & partners. As of September 1, we have already made 5,084 connections to our pastors, churches and partners.

Last year, we gave out 180 ministry grants totaling over $144,000 for 2022. So far in 2023, we’ve given 171 grants totaling over $128,000.

The BRN hosted nine pastoral blessing events in 2022, and so far this year, we’ve had eight events and have blessed over 81 pastors and their families, with several more events still planned for this year. This does not include the one-on-one ministry performed by our team to bless our pastors.

The BRN’s Guest House has been utilized by five pastors and their wives since the last Accelerate Conference. Also, 34 groups utilized the Volunteer Mission House in Harrisburg, not counting the individuals and small groups that stayed one to two nights while traveling for Disaster Relief work. Another 22 groups utilized the Warren Mission House in Pittsburgh.

This year, six GuideStone Mission:Dignity recipients received a “13th Check” from the BRN. The BRN also provided additional GuideStone benefits for 83 pastors.

In addition, we had 14 individuals serve alongside our churches within our Accelerated Internship program this year!

According to our data collected through the 2022 Annual Church Profile (or ACP for short), there were 999 baptisms recorded. In addition, there were over 23,000 ACP recorded attendees in Sunday morning worship, and nearly 15,500 members in our churches. That equates to one baptism for every 15 members! That is great news!

At the BRN, we exist to help churches take their next step in fulfillment to what God is calling to do. As of September 14, 2023, our team had 314 Next Step Conversations, and to date, 75 churches have completed their Next Step.

You will hear about other things we have been working on highlighted in the Accelerate Conference that follows this business session.

Everything that we’ve done this year, with still more to come, is possible because you and your church give faithfully to the Cooperative Program. Your BRN team stands ready to help you take the next step and assists your church in accelerating Kingdom movement. Thank you for supporting the work that we do on your behalf.

Thanks for listening in today. May God bless you!