CHESTERFIELD, NJ, (BRN) – Every summer, Fellowship CrossPoint Church in Chesterfield, New Jersey,  runs a Kid’s Camp to help connect kids to the love of Jesus!

Camp is our opportunity to spend very intentional time with the kids in our church as well as children in the community. We saw kids committed to bringing their friends to hear about who Jesus is this year! Camp is five days long and three hours each day. This event takes around 35 youth and adult workers to run!

On Wednesday and Friday, we included a special gospel emphasis in our all-camp sessions. We used the illustration of a report card to show that Jesus takes our failing grades and gives us His A+. We also used the illustration of a bridge: trusting Jesus for our salvation means stepping onto the bridge He made for us through His death on the cross.

Kids were given the opportunity to discuss with their Crew leaders their response to Jesus: 1) Yes, I want to follow Jesus! 2) I have questions, or 3) No, I don’t want to follow Jesus. Leaders were able to have serious conversations about salvation and choosing to follow Jesus day by day.

A total of 60 people attended the Kid’s Camp and 30 gospel conversations happened over the course of the camp. We have a praise of one coming to Christ as a result of the gospel being shared at the camp!

Have an outreach event you would like to host, but could use a little help when it comes to the cost? Apply for a BRN Evangelism Grant today by visiting!