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Executive Board


The Baptist Resource Network is a nonprofit organization governed by an executive board. The board is comprised of 17 persons, both pastors and lay persons, who serve in BRN affiliated churches. The BRN has four regions in our servicing territory and there are 4 representatives on the board from each region and one additional representative from the largest region. The board meets corporately at least three times per year to discuss matters pertaining to the BRN and the fulfillment of the BRN’s purpose.

Board Responsibilities
  1. The board shall administer its cooperative work according to the policies set forth by the BRN, maintain oversight of the BRN, its agencies and institutions, and recommend to the BRN an annual budget at the Annual Business Session.
  2. Act as the fiduciaries for the organization, acting with the following duties: Duty of Care, Duty of Loyalty, Duty of Obedience, and Prudence in Investing.
    • DUTY OF CARE – all board members should exercise “due care” in the performance of their duties. Board members must perform their responsibilities in a manner that is in line with the care, diligence, and skill of an ordinarily prudent person who would find themselves in a similar situation in a corresponding position.
    • DUTY OF LOYALTY – The duty of loyalty mandates board members and officers to behave in a manner that is in good faith and believed to put the interests of the institution before any personal interests or those of another person or organization. The fiduciary cannot act out of avarice or expedience either.
    • DUTY OF OBEDIENCE– The Duty of Obedience is the duty board members have to ensure the organization is operating in a manner that furthers its stated purpose and is always operating in compliance with all statutes and regulations.
    • PRUDENCE IN INVESTING – This is just like Duty of Care above but pertains to the prudent investment of organizational funds.
  3. The board shall operate in the best interest of the BRN without any conflicts of interest. Removed of any biased derived from being a pastor or church member in order to make wise and informed decisions for the BRN.
  4. Ensure that the BRN has approved policies that help ensure sound and compliant governance and management of the BRN.
  5. Provide foresight, insight, and oversight to the ensure the mission and vision of the BRN are accomplished.
  6. Be an advocate and champion for the Cooperative Program and other BRN offerings.
Executive Board
Executive Board Leadership

The BRN will have a leadership team, comprised of current board members, who assist with the operations of the BRN as it relates to executing policy, decisions, operational functions, and other matters of the BRN. In support of the BRN mission, the Executive Board Leadership Team will:

  1. Provide ongoing operational counsel of the BRN.
  2. Give ready response to time-sensitive requests and needs.
  3. Be an accessible resource and counsel to the BRN Executive Director/Treasurer.
  4. Provide and maintain organizational structure and integrity within the BRN.
Contact the Executive Board
If you are interested in learning more about the executive board or how the board governs the BRN, you may email
Nominate an Executive Board Member

To nominate a person to serve on the Executive Board, click the link below. Nominations must come from a pastor from an affiliated BRN church.

2025 Executive Board Members

Jason Hunter, First Baptist Church Clarion (West Region)

Eric McMahon, Watershed Church (Greater Philadelphia Region)

Jennifer Musser, Bucks County Community Church (Greater Philadelphia Region)

Brennan Coughlin, Fellowship CrossPoint (South Jersey Region)

Deb Beswarick, Harvest Community Church – Kittanning (West Region)
Jack Bowser, Harvest Community Church – Kittanning (West Region)
Ryan Day, Wrightsdale Baptist Church (Central Region)
Charles Fricker, Harvest House Community Fellowship (Central Region)
Buff McNickle, One Hope Church (South Jersey Region)
Darius Nable, The Church of the Good Shepherd Cherry Hill (South Jersey Region)
Anthony Peña, Fellowship CrossPoint (South Jersey Region)
Kenneth Sachs, God’s Field Church (West Region)
Robert Sheldon, Greencastle Baptist Church (Central Region)
John Toone, East Shore Baptist Church (Central Region)
John Velarde, Riverbend Community Church (Central Region)
Jennifer White, Keystone Community Fellowship (Greater Philadelphia Region)

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