Week of Events
Baptism Sunday
Mark Sunday, April 27, on your calendars because it’s the day Southern Baptists are setting aside as Baptism Sunday this year! Churches are encouraged to call their people to respond to the gospel, celebrate professions of faith in response to evangelism and encourage new believers to take their next step in their walk with Jesus. Here…
Disaster Relief Blue Hat Training
This Disaster Relief Blue Hat Training is leadership development for unit leaders in Region 3 of Southern Baptist Disaster Relief. This event is invitation only for experienced disaster relief volunteers chosen by their state convention DR Directors to grow into unit leaders. A unit leader is the person designated to direct the overall daily operation…
Weekly Prayer for Collegiate Missions and Next Gen Ministry
Weekly Prayer for Collegiate Missions and Next Gen Ministry
Those interested in praying for college students, youth and young adults are invited to participate in a weekly prayer call on Zoom on Tuesday mornings. Various collegiate ministers and other…
The Disciple-Making Church Seminar
The Disciple-Making Church Seminar
Is your current discipleship plan working? Are your small groups producing results? Are disciples being reproduced? Are leaders trained and equipped to multiply more disciples? You want to see your…
BRN Corporate Prayer Time
The Disciple-Making Church Seminar
The Disciple-Making Church Seminar
Is your current discipleship plan working? Are your small groups producing results? Are disciples being reproduced? Are leaders trained and equipped to multiply more disciples? You want to see your…
Pastor Prayer Meeting
Pastor Prayer Meeting
At the BRN, we teach healthy churches to filter all of their activities through the filters of the Kingdom of God and Prayer. Kingdom keeps our focus on the glory…