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SBC Seminary Sunday

Tsbc seminarieshe estimated 46,000 autonomous churches that cooperate with the Southern Baptist Convention pool their resources to support the work of the six theological seminaries. The Convention operates these seminaries to train its ministers and Christian workers. The six are: The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky (established 1859); The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas (1908); New…


Pastor Prayer Meeting

Zoom , United States

At the BRN, we teach healthy churches to filter all of their activities through the filters of the Kingdom of God and Prayer. Kingdom keeps our focus on the glory…


Pastor Prayer Meeting

Zoom , United States

At the BRN, we teach healthy churches to filter all of their activities through the filters of the Kingdom of God and Prayer. Kingdom keeps our focus on the glory…

Children’s Ministry Sunday

Churches throughout the Southern Baptist Convention will celebrate children’s ministry (ages birth-preteen) on Sunday, May 19, 2024. This is a great day to thank God for the ministry to kids, their families and their volunteers your church provides. Use this day to remind kids of their importance in the church and how they can tell…

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