How Christians Can Serve Refugees
WebinarOver the past several years, the world has seen a significant increase in the number of refugees, most notably in Europe as a result of the war in Ukraine and…
Over the past several years, the world has seen a significant increase in the number of refugees, most notably in Europe as a result of the war in Ukraine and…
Mark Sunday, April 24, on your calendars because it’s the day Southern Baptists are setting aside as Baptism Sunday this year! Churches are encouraged to call their people to respond to the gospel, celebrate professions of faith in response to evangelism and encourage new believers to take their next step in their walk with Jesus.…
BRN Team Accelerant Sessions are times set aside for the BRN team members to work collaboratively on projects benefiting the entire organization.
Bucks County Community Church will be hosting a three-day conference, April 29 - May 1, for pastors, church members and youth.
The Baptist Resource Network continues its three-year initiative with Denominee, who guides leaders of denominations, networks, and multi church families through a process to bring increased value to the churches they serve by developing a whole new method of operating.
BRN Team Accelerant Sessions are times set aside for the BRN team members to work collaboratively on projects benefiting the entire organization.
The estimated 46,000 autonomous churches that cooperate with the Southern Baptist Convention pool their resources to support the work of the six theological seminaries. The Convention operates these seminaries to train its…