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Pastor Prayer Meeting

Zoom , United States

At the BRN, we teach healthy churches to filter all of their activities through the filters of the Kingdom of God and Prayer. Kingdom keeps our focus on the glory…

Postponed Woven Women Empowered Conference: South Jersey/Philadelphia Regions

By popular request, Woven Women will host three regional Empowered Conferences for women on how to read and teach Scripture this year. Women in church leadership throughout the Baptist Resource Network are invited to participate at the location nearest you! If you have questions, please contact Mary Landis. This event will be offered in the…


#LovePASJ Week of Prayer and Offering for Missions (observed week)

BRN HUB 4620 Fritchey Street, Harrisburg, PA, United States

At the Baptist Resource Network, we seek to help you accelerate Kingdom movement by helping you take your next step in ministry, whatever that step may be, and ultimately, helping you achieve your next level in ministry. Doing that often requires boldness, so we are praying for God’s Holy Spirit to embolden us like never…


Pastor Prayer Meeting

Zoom , United States

At the BRN, we teach healthy churches to filter all of their activities through the filters of the Kingdom of God and Prayer. Kingdom keeps our focus on the glory of the King instead of our own fame. Prayer keeps us in a humble posture before our King so that He might direct our steps.…


Pastor Prayer Meeting

Zoom , United States

At the BRN, we teach healthy churches to filter all of their activities through the filters of the Kingdom of God and Prayer. Kingdom keeps our focus on the glory of the King instead of our own fame. Prayer keeps us in a humble posture before our King so that He might direct our steps.…

Christians in the Public Square

Crossway Church Barbara Street, Lancaster, PA, United States

Living in a fallen and hostile world can be challenging for many. And navigating how to live out our faith in the public square can be fraught with fear and confusion. Our society and government tell us to keep our faith to ourselves, in our churches, and out of the public square - is this…

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