March for Life
Online eventWASHINGTON (BP) – The March for Life originally scheduled Jan. 29 in Washington has been redesigned as a virtual event only, March for Life President Jeanne Mancini announced Friday (Jan.…
WASHINGTON (BP) – The March for Life originally scheduled Jan. 29 in Washington has been redesigned as a virtual event only, March for Life President Jeanne Mancini announced Friday (Jan.…
February 7, 2021 is a day to honor those like George Liele who have gone before and faithfully said “yes” to God’s call to go make disciples of every nation. Acknowledged as the first Baptist missionary from America, George’s legacy includes the first African American church plant in North America and one in Jamaica. In…
WMU equips all believers to live their lives in unshakable pursuit—to know God more, to show His love unconditionally, and to make disciples who make disciples. WMU seeks to come alongside the church to accomplish the mission of God. From preschoolers to adults, WMU provides relevant resources to learn about and pray for missions, as…
Navigating the world of background screening and Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) compliance can be overwhelming and confusing at times. Join Protect My Ministry for this FREE 1-hour webinar as their legal and compliance experts discuss what churches need to know to protect against FCRA and employment law violations. This webinar will cover: 1. Overview…
The deceptively named “Equality Act” poses a devastating and unprecedented threat to religious freedom. If this federal bill is passed, it could forbid your church and other religious nonprofits from requiring employees to live out religious beliefs about marriage, sexual morality, and the distinction between the sexes. Additionally, your church could also be forced to open sex-specific…
Soar to new heights, overcome old obstacles, and be encouraged to live out God’s call! Join us this year as we learn what it means to be “Unstoppable” for Children’s…
“For he is our peace, who made both groups one and tore down the dividing wall of hostility. In his flesh, he made of no effect the law consisting of…
One of the biggest social and governmental threats to biblical churches, schools, colleges, ministries, and nonprofits is the sexual revolution and all of its implications. Currently the U.S. Congress is considering a bill called the Equality Act, and President Biden has called it an agenda priority in his first 100 days. While this bill can,…
What if this season we’ve been going through is not an interruption but a disruption? What if it’s not a temporary time brought on by circumstances beyond our control, but rather a transition brought about by the one Who is in control? If it’s a temporary interruption our goal is to get out of it…