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George Liele Church Planting, Evangelism, and Missions Sunday

Southern Baptists set aside the first Sunday in February to celebrate the work and leadership of Black and African American Southern Baptist missionaries and to recognize the legacy of George Liele. George Liele is one of the most significant figures in the history of Christian missions. While William Carey is recognized as the father of…

Focus on WMU Sunday

WMU equips all believers to live their lives in unshakable pursuit—to know God more, to show His love unconditionally, and to make disciples who make disciples. WMU seeks to come…

Racial Reconciliation Sunday

“For he is our peace, who made both groups one and tore down the dividing wall of hostility. In his flesh, he made of no effect the law consisting of…

Church Planting Emphasis Day

Church planting isn’t just a ministry for individual church planters—it’s a ministry for the whole Church. Send Network is a partnership of people just like you—churches and church planters—planting churches…

Personal Evangelism Commitment Day

The hope of the gospel is the thread that weaves through every ministry you undertake. Because every story, ultimately, points to the story of Jesus.

Baptism Sunday

Mark Sunday, April 7, on your calendars because it’s the day Southern Baptists are setting aside as Baptism Sunday this year! Churches are encouraged to call their people to respond to the gospel, celebrate professions of faith in response to evangelism and encourage new believers to take their next step in their walk with Jesus. Here…

SBC Seminary Sunday

Tsbc seminarieshe estimated 46,000 autonomous churches that cooperate with the Southern Baptist Convention pool their resources to support the work of the six theological seminaries. The Convention operates these seminaries to train its ministers and Christian workers. The six are: The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky (established 1859); The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas (1908);…

Children’s Ministry Sunday

Churches throughout the Southern Baptist Convention will celebrate children's ministry (ages birth-preteen) on Sunday, May 19, 2024. This is a great day to thank God for the ministry to kids,…

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