Part of International Mission Board missionary and nurse practitioner Rachel’s ministry in rural Southeast Asia is educating elementary school girls on health. Their families often force these girls to drop out of school by sixth grade to provide more income.

Rachel and her IMB colleague Anna, missionary and public health specialist, know they have a short time to interact with these girls before they enter the workforce. The pair sees how the care they offer leads to conversations about the girls’ God-given value and worth.

Anna and Rachel see the girls’ pressing physical, emotional, and spiritual needs as an avenue for ministry. They find open doors to deliver the Gospel through a community health outreach based in rural primary schools.

The two medical missionaries, alongside their team of national believers, have built relationships with the government, allowing them to enter schools, teach basic hygiene, and meet hygiene needs. Through what they do in schools, they routinely reach 1,800 children and their families.

The Cooperative Program (CP) takes the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. Your financial support through the Cooperative Program allows missionaries to serve their communities in multiple ways, all in an effort to reach others with the Gospel.

Pray that God would empower Rachel and Anna to reach more girls, and that these girls would be receptive to the truth of who they are in Christ

*Some names have been changed for security.