Hello, BRN Family! It’s good to be with you today.

The Baptist Resource Network is richly blessed by a network of partners all over the United States who share people and resources with the BRN and our churches. I want to take the time to express my deep gratitude for all of them. There are too many to name, but let me tell you some of what they have done!

Mission teams from South Carolina have joined some of our churches for almost the entire summer to renovate our Warren Mission House in Pittsburgh. To date, they have added additional bathrooms, redesigned the first floor to be more open concept, updated the paint and flooring, and otherwise have modernized the house. Our hope is that the house will be an even better location for teams to utilize in order to do mission work in the Pittsburgh area.

Our friends from North Carolina’s Baptists on Mission also have continued their presence in the BRN’s Volunteer House in Harrisburg, hosting teams and lots of prayer. They also have consistently sent teams to come alongside churches to help in their outreaches and ministry and to build ongoing valuable partnerships.

And there’s more! Various Baptist associations from our Southern states have sent teams to canvass areas for new church plants, to prayerwalk, and to learn how to make a difference right here in Pennsylvania/South Jersey. Not to mention, many of our friends at state Baptist conventions all around us have generously shared resources they have developed, even as we share our resources with them.

That is KINGDOM work, and boy, are we grateful! Not a day goes by that I don’t thank the Lord for reminding us that we are not alone here in the Northeast. God is moving all across our region, and I believe the best is yet to come!

And that’s because of you, too.

I know you work hard to love your communities and congregations. Please remember that “your labor is not in vain.” Hebrews 6:10 puts it this way: “For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.”

Even if no one else says thank you, please hear it from me. Hear it from the BRN. THANK YOU!

The Baptist Resource Network–and its many partners–are here for you. Let us know how to help you by emailing our Help Desk at helpdesk@brnunited.org. You may also text or call the Help Desk at (717) 652-5856. As always, thanks for listening in and God bless you.