This Week in the BRN Family shares quick highlights of BRN churches and ministries throughout Pennsylvania and South Jersey loving their neighbors. Check out the latest happenings, baptisms, and accelerating Kingdom movement stories below:

BRN churches continue collaboration for 2024 Penn West Kids Camp

This year’s Penn West Kids Camp is in full swing! From July 14-19, a total of 103 campers, ages 3rd- 6th grade, and 55 volunteers (including 15 junior high missions team members and 20 senior high volunteers) are experiencing five days of high-energy games, chapel services, swimming, a variety of electives, cabin devotionals, food, friends, and so much more at Little Mahoning Bible Camp in Smicksburg, Pa.

This annual summer camp is made possible by the collaboration of several BRN churches in the Western PA region, including: Zion Church (Clarion, Petroleum Valley, and Jefferson County), Grace Community Church (Curlsville), First Baptist Church (Clarion), Faithbridge Community Church (Pittsburgh), and Catalyst Church (Altoona). Please join us in praying for these campers and volunteers this week!

River City Church in Pittsburgh makes a splash with VBS

This week, River City Church in Pittsburgh, Pa., is hosting Vacation Bible School for students in Kindergarten – 6th grade. Called Living Water VBS, students are learning all about the truth of God through water themed team-building games and interactive Bible lessons!

Philadelphia Bible Church International holds special outdoor worship service

On Sunday, July 14, Philadelphia Bible Church International in Philadelphia held a special outdoor worship service and picnic at French Creek State Park. Those who gathered enjoyed a special message from Pastor Peter Yanes and a unique time of worship and fellowship.

Harvest House Community Fellowship mission team serves in North Carolina

On July 9, Pastor Chuck Fricker and members of Harvest House Community Fellowship Church in Towanda, Pa., traveled to North Carolina to serve alongside Turkey Creek Baptist Church! During the mission trip, the Harvest House team helped with a praise team clinic, demolition and repairs on a neighbor’s house, and other service projects. The team traveled back on July 17. Praise the Lord for this partnership and for the Body serving the Body!

Stagecoach Road Christian Fellowship braves heat to partner with Wholesome Riches

Stagecoach Road Christian Fellowship volunteers helped pack food boxes and load cars under the hot sun on Tuesday, July 16, as they served the Camden, New Jersey, community alongside Wholesome Riches. Well done braving the heat for the sake of others Stagecoach!

Stewartstown VBS students tour DR Rapid Response Kitchen and recovery unit

Last week, students attending VBS at Stewartstown Baptist Church in Stewartstown, Pa., had the opportunity to tour the PA/SJ Disaster Relief Rapid Response Kitchen as well as a DR recovery unit. Pennsylvania/South Jersey Disaster Relief Director Kenton Hunt and DR Blue Hat Jeff Slagle led the tour and taught students about the importance of disaster relief.

“Kenton made 125 hotdogs for the group and it was very well received. The kids asked a lot of questions about disaster relief and were very excited by all the ‘stuff’ we had to help people,” said Slagle.


God’s Field sees six go forward in faith and be baptized

On Sunday, July 14, God’s Field Church in Ambridge, Pa., celebrated the testimonies and baptisms of six new believers! Partnering church West Hills Baptist in Coraopolis, Pa., hosted God’s Field for the baptisms. Praise the Lord for these new brothers and sisters in Christ! Please join us in rejoicing with them and the whole God’s Field church family.

FBC Delaware celebrates several baptisms and more to come

First Baptist Church of Delaware in New Castle, Delaware, witnessed several baptisms on Sunday, July 14. Since these baptisms, the church has seen more respond in faith. They will celebrate more baptisms this upcoming Sunday. Congratulations to these new brothers and sisters in Christ! We rejoice with you and the whole FBC Delaware church family!

Ministry Milestones:

FBC Swedesboro celebrates first pastoral anniversary of senior pastor

During their Sunday worship service on July 14, First Baptist Church of Swedesboro in Swedesboro, New Jersey, celebrated the first pastoral anniversary of Senior Pastor Marvin Parker and First Lady Danette Randolph-Parker! Congratulations Pastor Marvin and First Lady Danette! We are so grateful for your service to FBC Swedesboro and the Swedesboro community!

Be a part of This Week in the BRN Family

Have exciting things happening in your church!? Let us know so we can celebrate with you and share the good news with our BRN Family. Submit stories of your church accelerating Kingdom movement, loving their neighbors or celebrating baptisms on our News Tips page. We can’t wait to hear from you!