Hello, BRN Family! It’s good to be with you today! By now you have heard these statistics: 14 million people in Pennsylvania/South Jersey do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. But even more alarming… EVERY 4.2 MINUTES, 1 Pennsylvanian or South Jerseyan DIES without knowing Christ!

That’s why we seek to help our churches all across Pennsylvania and South Jersey to BOLDLY accelerate Kingdom movement. What does that even mean? Accelerating Kingdom movement is all about a network of Kingdom citizens … cooperating in a sustained effort of making disciples and establishing churches … at an exponential rate … to disrupt the kingdom of darkness … within a geographic area. In other words, we seek gospel saturation and life transformation all across our region. To accomplish this, we absolutely need each other!

Your gifts to the Baptist Resource Network’s annual #LovePASJ Week of Prayer and Offering for Missions in Pennsylvania/South Jersey helps make this Kingdom work possible, especially in the areas of collegiate ministry, compassion care, and disaster and crisis relief.

Through your prayers and gifts, the BRN provides resources to help:

  • collegiate ministers pour into young adults through evangelism and discipleship;
  • children’s leaders disciple the next generation, at a time of their lives which is statistically the best opportunity to reach them;
  • pastors disciple new leaders who one day will lead their own churches and ministries;
  • and churches compassionately care for their communities.

You also assist our disaster relief volunteers in showing the love of Christ to neighbors in crisis and provide support for pastors in distress. All are paving the way for faith-filled futures to impact our region for Jesus Christ.

This year’s emphasis will be held on August 11-18, but your church can focus whenever is best for you. Downloadable promotional materials are available for free at brnunited.org/offering.

This #LovePASJ Week of Prayer and Missions Offering for Pennsylvania/South Jersey is a vital part of reaching our region for Jesus. Jesus said, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” Let’s accelerate Kingdom movement by loving Pennsylvania/South Jersey. Thanks for listening in today and God bless you!