HARRISBURG (BRN) – Covenant Community Church in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, hosted a community outreach event from June 23-June 26 with the help of Mt. Sinai Baptist Church from Shelby, North Carolina.

We started our outreach on Sunday, June 23,  by taking the Tailgate Grill, a donation made by the Keystone Baptist Association (KBA), into the neighborhood around the church. There, we gave out over 120 hotdogs, Bibles and tracts, and we invited children to the children’s program Monday and Tuesday afternoon as well as the Block Party on Wednesday evening.

During that time, we had at least 20 good gospel conversations with people in the neighborhood.

On Monday, June 24, we used the Tailgate Grill in the afternoon in the Hall Manor project area. We gave out a number of hot dogs and then moved because there were police gathering with warrants in the vicinity.

We moved the grill to our food pantry, Grace House (beside Hall Manor). There we had a backyard Bible program Monday and Tuesday afternoon. Each day we had at least 30 children come as well as parents and other adults. At Covenant, we had a VBS for children Monday and Tuesday 4-6 p.m. We had four children make a profession of faith during the VBS.

On Wednesday afternoon, we had a block party 5-7 p.m.  We had at lest 60 children come and around 25 adults attend. It rained after we started, so we had to move most things inside. This made it easy to get people in the sanctuary for the singing and gospel presentation. During that time, we had one child and one adult accept Jesus as their Lord.

We also had conversations with at lest five people about getting baptized!

Have an outreach event you would like to host, but could use a little help when it comes to the cost? Apply for a BRN Evangelism Grant today by visiting brnunited.org/grant!