KENYA, Africa, (SBDR) – El Niño rains combined with other unusual weather phenomenon dumped torrential rains across all of Kenya. Thankfully, the rains have slowed in most of Kenya. 

Heavy rains and flash floods left more than 291 people dead, 188 injured, 75 people missing, 278,380 people (30,073 families) displaced and nearly 412,763 affected across the country as of May 20, according to the National Disaster Operations Centre (NDOC).  

The rainstorms caused the loss of 11,311 livestock, 47,578 acres of crops, 67 roads and affected 1,023 small businesses and 129 schools. 

178 displacement camps are active with a camp population of 71,704 people. 

Current Response: 

Send Relief was able to provide emergency food aid, hygiene and medical supplies, household kitchen supplies, blankets, mosquito nets and children’s trauma supplies through national partners.  

The relief efforts through national partners have resulted in several new Bible study groups beginning and nine professions of faith as a result. Several families have joined local churches.  

Send Relief leaders are still working on more physical need responses and is working in joining with a GCC partner to provide trauma informed care and counseling services. Send Relief would utilize the Baptist chaplaincy network that has been trained and established over the last six months for this trauma care effort. Send Relief has been involved in the chaplain training that would be utilized in the trauma care response. 

The best current way for Southern Baptists to respond is by praying and giving.

Prayer Requests: 

  • Pray for survivors as many homes have been washed away and left thousands displaced. 
  • Pray for families that have lost loved ones in the deadly flooding. 
  • Pray for those who have lost crops and livestock in the tragic flooding. 
  • Pray for Send Relief as it continues to respond. 
  • Pray for Send Relief leaders and partners as they plan trauma care to those affected. 
  • Pray for new Bible study groups that have been formed and those who have come to faith through the response. 
  • Pray for God to continue to open hearts of those served to the life-changing grace of Christ. 
  • Pray that Send Relief and our partners will be able to offer help and the hope of Christ amid the loss and recovery.