PHILADELPHIA (BRN) – This year’s Easter egg hunt at Bedrock Church Fishtown in Philadelphia was a huge success.

We had multiple Easter egg hunts and handed out a total of 6,000 eggs. Participants were given free popcorn, cotton candy, face painting and pictures with the Easter bunny. We handed out invitations to our Sunday service both at the check-in and prayer tent. We had many people stop for prayer and write down prayer requests at the prayer tent.

On March 30, Bedrock Church Fishtown in Philadelphia hosted a community wide Easter egg hunt.

During the event, the gospel was shared through personal conversations and at the prayer tent specifically. We had a six week evangelism training course for our volunteers leading up to the event. Many of the connections that were made are ongoing conversations that have gone beyond the event.

Overall, we saw more than 800 people attend the Easter egg hunt and our volunteers engaged in at least 30 gospel conversations. To our knowledge, one person confessed Jesus as Lord as a result of hearing the gospel at the Easter egg hunt. We are sure many other seeds were planted during the event!

Have an outreach event you would like to host, but could use a little help when it comes to the cost? Apply for a BRN Evangelism Grant today by visiting!