HARRISBURG (BRN) – East Shore Baptist Church in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, is a voter polling location, and on April 23 we opened our doors for another Election Day outreach.

Using a BRN Evangelism Grant, we made available to every voter Bibles, scriptural pamphlets on relevant topics and snacks/drinks. Every voter was greeted, and God-conversations ensued as the Spirit led.

East Shore Baptist Church in Harrisburg, Pa., offered Bibles, Scripture materials, and snacks to local voters.

Just one  example of the gospel conversations that took place was with a gentleman named Luis. After offering the snacks and the printed materials to  Luis, the Lord offered me an opportunity to talk with him about where he lives and if he attends a church.

I listened to how he walked away from faith, although his wife attends a church. He thanked me strongly for taking the time to listen to his struggles, for sharing my testimony about having similar concerns and for praying right there for him and his family. I welcomed him to East Shore as we would not judge him in his desire to ask questions and seek answers.

During the Election Day outreach, we witnessed 300 people come through as voters and nearly 20 gospel conversations take place!

Have an outreach event you would like to host, but could use a little help when it comes to the cost? Apply for a BRN Evangelism Grant today by visiting brnunited.org/grant!