The Baptist Resource Network just hosted our annual Accelerate Conference. Everyone who attended received a copy of the book “Once You See: Seven Temptations of the Western Church” by Jeff Christopherson. The conference and breakouts were based around the themes and temptations set forward in this book.

It was a really cool conference. I absolutely love a good story, so I loved this book from the beginning. When I met with my volunteers to discuss the themes set forth in this book, Cindy said that this book literally changed her life. I can’t offer a stronger recommendation than that. It sets forward seven temptations the Western church often falls prey to and outlines their Kingdom Correctives.

This is done through the life, faith, and church stories of its main characters. Omar Al-Khulani/Yushua Maalouf comes to faith in Yemen where Christianity is outlawed. Luca Lewis develops a Kingdom mindset regarding his church plant in Philadelphia. Dr. James Norris (Jimmy) pastors a mega-church along with his best friend and executive pastor, Tom Butts. Each character eventually crosses paths with all of the other characters as they grapple with what the Western Church is and what Jesus Christ intended his church to look like here on earth.