Hello, BRN Family! It’s good to be with you today!

During our Accelerate Conference last fall, we introduced “SHOW,” Phase 2 of the #LovePASJ initiative to love our neighbors in Pennsylvania and South Jersey. Specifically, we asked, “Who is on your watch?”

We shared the alarming statistic that on average nearly 465 people a day die in our two-state area. If you consider that 85% of these people do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ, that means, on average, every 4 minutes and 20 seconds someone dies without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

With great urgency, again we wanted to ask the question, “Who’s on your watch?” Who is around you that has no hope outside of a relationship with Jesus Christ?

The #LovePASJ’s Phase 2 SHOW kit seeks to help churches evangelize the neighborhoods where they did exegesis and prayerwalking. As a natural next step to learning about their communities, Phase 2 of “KNOW, SHOW, GROW” offers resources to equip participants to start meeting revealed needs through compassion ministries and evangelism.

In the kit, you will find three practical guides on how to start compassion ministries in your church, evangelism tracts, prayer lists, a 21-day prayer guide, a small group Bible study, and practical ways to show love to your neighbors. There is even a tool that helps you to share the Gospel if you are an introvert.

We also provide access to an evangelism app, which showcases ways to share the Gospel in 60 different languages, made available through our partnership with the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention.

This kit, which includes all of this and so much more, is available to you. Simply request one at www.lovepasj.com.

John 9:4 (CSB) says, “We must do the works of Him who sent Me while it is day. Night is coming when no one can work!”

Friends, let’s urgently reach our communities for Jesus Christ! I am praying for you. If you need anything, please contact us at our Help Desk at helpdesk@brnunited.org or call or text (717) 652-5856.

Thanks for listening in today. May God bless you!