Cancel culture has crept its way into every industry within our society it seems. Whether you are an actor, an athlete, a doctor, or even a professor, being cancelled has a way of finding you and attempting to silence you. We are endowed with the fundamental rights of the Constitution, which includes our freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Dr. Nicholas Meriwether, professor at Shawnee State University in Ohio, found himself up against cancel culture, but refused to give in. Instead, he pressed forward in his faith and exercised his freedoms. Now, he stands as an example as well as an encouragement to many.

For over 20 years, Dr. Nicholas Meriwether has taught on the intersection of philosophy, ethics, religion, and political theory at Shawnee State. One day, a male student raised his hand in class. Dr. Meriwether responded, “Yes, sir” as he had typically done with other students for years. He often referred to his students as “sir” or “ma’am” or by a title like Mr. or Miss followed by their last name. The formality fosters an atmosphere of seriousness, mutual respect, and courtesy. And he always referred to students based on their biological sex. After all, that is who they really are.

However, after class, the student approached Dr. Meriwether, identified as a woman, and insisted on being referred to as such, with feminine pronouns and titles. When Dr. Meriwether expressed reservations, the student became belligerent, threatening to get Dr. Meriwether fired if he didn’t give in to these demands.

Shortly after this incident, Dr. Meriwether offered to accommodate the student by addressing him by a preferred name and dropping the use of sex-specific titles. While the university initially approved this arrangement, upon further insistence from the student, the university reversed its stance. Now, according to the university, Dr. Meriwether had to use the student’s preferred pronouns or eliminate all sex-referencing terms from his vocabulary—for all students, at all times.

Dr. Meriwether’s core beliefs are why he’s devoted his career to education. His faith also governs the way he thinks about human nature, marriage, gender, sexuality, morality, politics, and social issues. Yet, the university insists that he contradict his core beliefs by using pronouns and speaking a message that violates his conscience. Refusal to comply would result in Dr. Meriwether facing punishment that would end his career as a professor.

At first, the district court ruled against Dr. Meriwether. But Dr. Meriwether appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit and won—and cancel culture lost. The Sixth Circuit rightly understood that public universities like Shawnee State cannot compel Dr. Meriwether to speak a message that he disagrees with—and that pronouns and titles express a message.

Our First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and religion not only include the freedom to speak messages in accordance with our core beliefs but also the freedom not to speak messages against our core beliefs. ADF is committed to winning cases like these. Cancel culture can be defeated. All it takes is for people like Dr. Meriwether—and you—to stand up to it.

Watch ADF’s Freedom Matters video about the case below:

Here is how you can pray:


Pray that the Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals’ decision will serve as an example for how to uphold the constitutional right to religious freedom. And pray that the Lord would continue to grant Dr. Meriwether victory as the case unfolds in the district court.


Pray that the federal and state legislatures would enact legislation that protects religious freedom for everyone.


Pray that we would continue seeing societal transformation as a result of those who stand against the current of cancel culture and instead, stand on the Word of God.


Pray that the Church would continue standing with those facing opposition to their faith.

What is a Generational Win?

Each generation has the responsibility to protect the freedoms of the next. That is why ADF focuses on generational wins. These victories change the law and culture of the nation and are sustained by deliberate action so that the victory endures for future generations.

  • Life is safeguarded
  • Religious Freedom prevails
  • All can Speak Freely
  • Marriage and Family are protected
  • Parental Rights are guaranteed

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