Brian Musser
Campus Minister
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Rev. Brian Musser is the Baptist Campus Minister at Drexel University. He has served in this role since 2005. He is a commissioned self-funded (support-raising) missionary through the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention in partnership with the Baptist Resource Network of Penn/South Jersey and is appointed to Drexel University through the Greater Philadelphia Baptist Association. Brian was ordained to the Gospel ministry though the First Baptist Church of North East, Maryland on June 6, 2010.
Brian and his wife, Jennifer, are the parents of daughter, Julianna, who is a high school student. They enjoy anything related to amusement parks and roller coasters. Actually, Jennifer is more of a feet on the ground, hold the bags kind of person. But they truly love the family time together. Jennifer is actively involved in community and church engagement and administrative support to help raise awareness about Brian’s ministry on campus at Drexel.
What are the benefits you hope our churches will receive as a result of your work/role at the BRN?
Brian uses his 15 years of experience working with students, faculty, staff and administrators at Drexel University as a resource for the local churches. His primary function is a liaison between the local BRN churches and Drexel University.
1. On behalf of the BRN, Brian engage students, faculty, professional staff, administration alumni, parents and anyone else connected to the university with the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the sake of the Kingdom of God.
2. If a church has a member who is connected to the University, Brian’s 15 years of experience with Drexel allows him to be a useful resource for that member’s Christian walk while on campus.
3. As a campus missionary, Brian is a learning expert in understanding young adults, generational differences, academic culture and missional engagement. He can help congregations learn how to engage students, young adults and academic institutions with the Gospel.
4. Brian knows of university resources that are available to perspective students and community organizations.
5. Finally, due to the unique environment of Drexel University, Brian has done considerable work in understanding how our faith intersects with our jobs. Brian can be a resource to the entire church on this topic.