When IMB missionary Donna Maust relocated to a new town, she entered a strawberry cheese pie into a cooking contest as a way to get to know people. She won second place. A government leader asked her to start cooking classes in his house. The classes were a success and led to the start of a Bible study in the home, which is now a healthy church.
Additionally, Donna learned to make soap using local ingredients and started soap-making classes in five communities, which led to multiple decisions and recommitments to Christ as well as a Bible study group!
Surrounding communities now see that she and her husband, Johnny, are not just standing on street corners preaching but care about the people they serve.
THE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM is the financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation. Your support through the Cooperative Program allows missionaries like the Mausts to use their God-given gifts and passions to reach others with the Gospel of Jesus.
PRAY for Donna’s cooking and soap-making classes to continue to open doors for Gospel conversations and that their Bible study groups will continue to grow.